Features Reference Archive


  H-Sphere 2.4.1 Patch 3    (Upgrade instructions)

Improvements and Bugfixes:

- Fixed problem with saving custom antispam/antivirus preferences and using default antispam/antivirus values.
- Fixed problem with quota MAX in plan comparison.
- Fixed bug with incorrectly charged custom billing resources when changing plan
- Fixed backup script to work correctly on FreeBSD 4.10.
- Fixed 2CheckOut to correctly process payable amounts when "Use Authorize.Net WebLink parameter names" is used in Merchant Gateway settings
- Fixed script to use 'wheel' instead of 'root' when installing H-Sphere packages on FreeBSD
- Fixed problem with moderation of trial accounts in Signup Guard
- Fixed problem with signing up TRIAL accounts using SOAP.
- Added 'extra' information variable to Custom Domain Registrar email
- Fixed problem with incorrect transaction charge type and corrected total amount in the Credit Card Charge report
- Added parked domain mail traffic processing to traffic loader
- Fixed problem with continuous sending of VPS Init e-mail
- Fixed problem wtih physical removal of ColdFusion DSN record
- Added recreation icons to Reseller and User reports
- Fixed problem with the "Select All Tickets" checkbox in some web browsers (e.g. KHTML)
- Fixed problem with disabling CF DSN record in plans
- Added the "Account Settings" icon for all skins

Windows Bugfixes:

- Removed problem with possible time delay when writing log files
- Fixed the problem with setting indexes resource for the Web service
- Set the Authentication mode value to 'Windows' in the web.config file for the MSSQL Enterprise manager application to prevent possible conflicts with customers' local web.config files

  H-Sphere 2.4.2 Beta 1    (Upgrade)

For details, see here.


  H-Sphere 2.4.1 Patch 2    (Upgrade instructions)

Improvements and Bugfixes:

- Updated PHP MyAdmin 2.6.0
- Updated hsphere-jakarta to 5.0.28 and prevented possibility to run several instances of CP
- Improved security for CC encryption
- Fixed spelling on the content move pages
- Fixed deletion of Mime extension entries: they are now deleted from H-Sphere database even if physical deletion fails
- Fixed adding domain to account under Mail Only plan in SOAP interface
- Added check for non-empty directories to H-Sphere template configure script
- Added SOAP method for domain registrar lookup
- Fixed bug with setting MySQL privileges in the CommonUserCreator utility
- Fixed problem with deleting custom MX DNS records with empty prefix
- Fixed problem with creating Windows login via SOAP related to unparseable response
- Fixed problem with improper domain registration price calculation
- Eliminated a possible deadlock from CC encryption related code
- Fixed problem with loading mail traffic for parked domains
- Eliminated incorrect parsing of prices in rare cases
- Fixed possible problem with adding/deleting autoresponders in accounts with a lot of maildomains

H-Sphere Installation Updated Packages:

- hsphere-sudo-1.6.8p1-0
- hsphere-webmails-1-6
- rsync-2.6.2-1


  H-Sphere 2.4.1 Patch 1    (Upgrade instructions)

Improvements and Bugfixes:

- Fixed the Mail Quota amount in the In Use field on the Reseller Prices page
- Fixed bug with disappearing account from the accounts table at signup
- Fixed problem with setting the Outstanding Balance Date in regional locale
- Fixed PhysicalCreator for mail resources
- Fixed problem with the list of mail objects related to incorrectly converted antispam and antivirus resources
- Fixed problem with creating Windows demo accounts through SOAP
- Changed the display of outflow and inflow amount in the Billing Entries report
- Solved problems with button appearance of the "CC Encryption Wizard" pages in XPressia designs
- Fixed problem with loading new custom e-mail messages. They are now automatically loaded from the appropriate template on demand
- Fixed code which resolves duplication of jobs/job groups when registering background jobs in the Background Job Manager
- Added corrections to the "Customer accounts" values in reseller plan's Plan Comparator
- Fixed YAFV validation to work correctly on the Konqueror and Safary browsers
- Added possibility to avoid creation of the 'wwwuser' during install if DNS, web and mail servers are not used
- Added utility to fix double init resources for E-Mail Only plans
- Extended error debug information at signup through SOAP
- Moved AWstats cron from crontab to cron_rotate.pl cron after log rotation procedure
- Fixed possible problems with the "rmdir" command on FreeBSD
- Removed redundand SSL settings from the insecure section of the reseller virtual host config
- Fixed code to remove the remains of the shared ssl records for deleted servers
- Added a new SOAP method (checkUser(AuthToken at, String login)) to check if H-Sphere user exists
- Added additional check for already deleted mail resources

Webmail Bugfixes:
- Fixed permissions of the sqwebmail cache directory
- Improved the configuration of horde add-ons
- Resolved unstability problem of sqwebmail_riwos-1.3 on FreeBSD OS by roll-back to the latest sqwebmail-4.0.7

Windows Bugfixes:
- Fixed the problem with access to Webshell4 when Serv-U FTP is used
- Fixed the spelling error in the htaccess "Unauthorized error page"


  H-Sphere 2.4.1    (Complete List of Features in 2.4.1) | (Upgrade)


- Added missing template "common/design/left.html" to fix appearance of the "Compare Plans" page
- Improved mail manager with synchronization added to prevent situation with double emails
- Added reseller admin plan access fix to reseller change plan procedure to avoid problems with creating reseller's admin account
- Added character '+' to set available characters in "Redirect URL path"
- Fixed problem in the "Disk Usage Details" feature with parsing "from" and "to" dates when a non-US locale is set in the system
- Fixed problem with DailyReport getting only one bill while there were more than one bill available for the same date
- Implemented transfer process suspension and generation of a trouble ticket if a transfer process fails at a stage of getting resources info
- Implemented ability to add DNS zone after signup for VPS accounts
- MSSQLUID and MSSQLPWD parameters are skipped during DSN record update
Solved problem with "Custom E-mail messages" which are used in "Mass mail notifications". Missing properties "toolbox", "bill" and "current_date" were added to "template root" for mass mail template processing. Added attribute "massmail_applicable" to the configurator in order to specify the Custom E-Mail messages which can be used in "mass mail notifications"
- Corrected several labels

Windows Bugfixes:

- Replaced Blank page with error message when authorization is denied by folder protection feature
- Fixed the possible access violation error places
- Fixed problem with htaccess filter ignoring the .htprotect file which disabled autorization feature
- Fixed bug that created unwanted AWStats archive file in the user's home directory


  H-Sphere 2.4.1 RC 4    (Update Instructions)

Improvements and Bugfixes:

- Fixed scripts that add/delete mail relay to work with the morercpthosts file
- Added additional incoming parameter check for the autoresponder-message-add function
- Added check for existing cgi-bin directory to AWStats creation script
- Introduced hsphere-webmails-1-4, including sqwebmail_riwos-1.3 and IMP webmail system (with horde-2.2.5, imp-3.2.5, kronolith-1.1.2, mnemo-1.1.2, nag-1.1.1 and turba-1.2.2)
- Improved the webmail autologin Quick Access page to use mail server as the IMP webmail server

Windows Bugfixes:

- Fixed several bugs that could lead to htaccess crashes
- Changed the name of crash file produced by H-Sphere modules related to IIS (hsauth, SharedSsl, htaccess, log plugin) to iis.log
- Fixed bug with ColdFusion MX service not starting at restart
- Fixed bug with turning ON the FrontPage resource on the virtual host with Shared SSL enabled


  H-Sphere 2.4.1 RC 3    (Update Instructions)

Improvements and Bugfixes:

- Improved the Left Menu design to use JavaScript. If required conditions can't be met, static (server-side) menu scheme is used instead
- Log message generated when the "last_start" table misses the date for a processed cron job revised
- Improved billing statements for dedicated IPs and now include domain name assigned to them
- Corrected reporting of processor count for FreeBSD servers
- Fixed "Array index out of range: 0" in XML DOMMerger
- Prohibited MyDNS resource creation in DEMO plans
- Resolved problem with assigning TTs from support account
- Corrected moderation rules for PayPal paid accounts
- Added ability to create domain aliases for third level domains pointing to another third level domain within the account
- Fixed improper encoding of autoresponder message and subject fixed
- Fixed improper tooltip texts dispalayed on adding mailing list subscribers fixed
- Improved mdomainrelay-add.pl script to fix wrong rcpthosts format


  H-Sphere 2.4.1 RC 2    (Update Instructions)

Improvements and Bugfixes:

- Introduced a Qmail update with new features and bugfixes
- Updated IMP to version 3.2.5
- Increased accounts.suspend_reason field to 2048 characters
- Moved the 'Mail domain alias', 'Mail relay', 'Antispam', 'Antivirus' resources to the "Mail services" section in the Windows plan wizard.
- Removed obsolete promo code implementation.
- Changed shellQuote method to use ' instead of ", as with " not all characters were quoted.
- Introduced a couple of design improvements
- Fixed the problem with DNS zones config files. From now on, all lock files in the DNS scripts will not be deleted
- Fixed a minor problem with deleting admin accounts when deleting reseller's accounts.
- Fixed bug with internal tickets not showing in the ticket list.


  H-Sphere 2.4.1 RC 1    (Update Instructions)

Bugfixes and Updates:

- Fixed appearance of a series of pages in the admin interface and several icons in the "Left Menu" skin
- Fixed usage of the Trouble Ticket assignment flag in plan wizard/editor
- Improved OverLimitCron in order to set correct suspend reason when suspending account
- Added ability to update credit cards for moderated accounts in encrypted and non-encrypted modes
- Optimized the display of mail resources in user interface: an internal TT is generated if one of the resources is corrupted
- Fixed problem when old A DNS record was not deleted when moving account from a box to a box
- Changed scripts for AWStats and now users can edit AWStats config and AWStats statistics collection starts under user

Windows bugfixes:

- Fixed bug with setting the default log plugin when the transfer log resource is disabled


  H-Sphere 2.4.1 Beta 3    (Update Instructions)

Bugfixes and Updates:

- Fixed error that called exception when changing mail server settings in the Enterprise Manager
- Added label for Shared SSL resource in Plan Wizard
- Added short date format representation for summary disk usage start date
- Fixed code for adding custom DNS records in VPS accounts
- Corrected billing info preview for trial accounts
- Replaced "The user is being created" that sometimes appeared at user signup with a more informative error message.
- Fixed IPMigrator tool on the '-change-ip-dependent' stage


  H-Sphere 2.4.1 Beta 2    (Update Instructions)

Bugfixes and Updates:

- Updated phpBB to 2.0.10
- Fixed bug in OpenSRS domain renewal
- Fixed ODBC section of Windows plan XML
- Fixed template recompilation problem in package installer and package uninstaller
- Added SiteStudio resource to the plan comparison tool
- Fixed problem with resetting start date for monthly resources during plan change
- Fixed problem with enabing shared SSL
- Fixed problem with adding mail relays
- Fixed problem with setting invalid reseller ID at user signup and account move
- Fixed problem with incorrect links for empty top level menu items in the Left Menu skin
- Fixed problem with moderating accounts when CVV validation is enabled
- Fixed problem with setting wrong billing period during plan change
- Resolved problem with possible duplication of payment requests
- Added Cyprus Pound to the list of currencies
- Added formatting of payment amounts (digits after decimal point) before taking customers to the payment page
- Introduced option to create trouble tickets instead of email when registering a domain via custom domain registrar
- Added a check for mail domain resource in the Miva Merchant resource
- Added new privileges management to MySQL user
- Fixed appearance of the SSL icon for XPressia Lite

Windows Features and Bugfixes:

- Added support for ColdFusion MX DSN (not applicable for Serv-U FTP)
- Added automatic recreation of transfer logs and AWStats directories if they were previously removed
- Fixed bug that caused using a lot of memory by HSphere.exe process
- Fixed bug with unavailability of Urchin feature in IIS 6.0
- Fixed problem with changing website anonymous user in certain situations
- Fixed bug with AWStats statistics not collecting after turning ON the AWStats resource
- Fixed bug that caused "Failed to read metabase" error if host number was 1722
- Fixed bug which disallowed to perform fresh installation
- Added patch to fix misconfiguration in Shared SSL registry settings
- Removed bug with termination of durable content move processes after 1 hour even if they weren't completed


  H-Sphere 2.4.1 Beta 1   

Features and Improvements:

- Added Support for Right-To-Left languages
- Introduced a Qmail update with new features and bugfixes
- Added SpamAssassin Config Manager in the admin control panel (Third party tools menu)
- Added option to create multiple mail aliases when creating a mailbox (Aliased By field)
- Added IMP dedicated instalation on each mailserver to improve mail system stability and reduce intra-cluster traffic
- Added the ManagingTrials feature
- Improved ManagingDebtors feature
- Improved Editing Email Notifications using groups and XML
- Changed apache restart and repair scripts. Instead of using index.conf, we add another include into httpd.conf
- Added support for AWStats dynamic pages for Unix accounts :as an alternative to static pages
- Added possibility to migrate accounts without billing plans
- Added support for ColdFusion MX DSN
- Renamed invoices to Billing Statements for historical billing periods
- Renamed emails that customer gets when buying hosting resources into Order Confirmations
- Added restart procedure for mail servers when parameter tcpsessioncount is changed on the Qmail Server Parameters page
- Added possibility to recreate DNS servers hosted on particular logical servers
- Added ability to activate antispam/antivirus resources in the plan wizard
- Added a tool to recreate corrupted H-Sphere plans from plan XML configs
- Added estimator of invoices for multiple resources to H-Sphere API
- Implemented a new scheme of getting logical server info
- Updated PhpMyAdmin to verison 2.5.7


- Changed subscription text on the first signup page for admin, reseller, MySQL, RealServer and VPS plans
- Added description for billing deletion actions
- Added support for numeric email addresses
- Improved and fixed IPMigratorFast
- Excluded possibility to charge deleted accounts and to add new resource to them
- Added fix to prevent double billing and unchanged balance when two instances of one account are open
- Added "Statistics" link to the top and left navigation menus
- Corrected resuming of accounts that were suspended under the old suspension scheme in v.2.3.x
- Fixed plan upgrade from version 2.3.x to 2.4.x for E-mail only plans
- Fixed problem with adding custom MX records when MyDNS is activated
- Added protection for domain registration when prices/periods are not configured
- Set UTF-8 charset as the default for the entire system
- Added fax number to registrar billing info
- Improved SQL requests to get info for "mysql","mssql" and "pgsql" database servers on the "E.Manager" -> "L.Server edit" page
- Fixed domain registration on plans without billing
- Removed security hole that allowed a reseller to credit user accounts of another reseller using SOAP interface
- Added DNS zone init resource for third level domain alias for shared SSL

Improvements to Background Jobs:
- Split accounting into 3 separate jobs: "Accounting", "BalanceExhaustionDateEstimator" and "SuspendCron"
- Added serialization of the BackgroundJob objects into the db table in order to re-run stored jobs after an unexpected H-Sphere restart
- Changed appearance of "Stuck Jobs" on the "Current Jobs" page
- The "Cron" class made "deprecated"
- Corrected all H-Sphere crons in order to "extend" the BackgroundJob class instead of "Cron"


  H-Sphere 2.4 Patch 3    (Update Instructions) | (Install 2.4 Patch 3)

Bugfixes and Improvements:

- Introduced a Qmail update
- Fixed problem with CVV entry field not displaying on the billing info pages of some customers
- Removed Surepay merchant gateway from the Add list as deprecated
- Fixed problem with the CAPTURE method for eWay merchant gateway
- Fixed problem with the Protx gateway in the voidAuthorize method
- Added possibility to display link to AWStats on the traffic details page in case if AWStats is activated for a domain
- Fixed problem with improper calculation of resource Free Units during plan change
- Fixed bug with wrong Usage charge description when changing resources such as traffic, disk quota, etc.
- Fixed problem with wrong calculation of recurrent amounts when adding a new account
- Added info about content move processes and protection to the logical server edit page
- Fixed problem with taking two Dedicated IPs as 'busy' instead of one during some content move routines
- Excluded possibility to delete logical servers involved into the content move routines
- Removed the old "Content move" report from the H-Sphere interface
- Fixed problem with deleting unix subuser while using the "PhysicalCreator" and "Content move" features
- Added ability to skip copying user's content during content move routines
- Added ability to avoid 24 hours delay before deleting resources on the source logical server
- Disallowed editing/adding/deleting/changing resources and changing plan/billing period for accounts that are moved between servers.
- Changed the "Started Move Processes" section to display processes by 10 per page
- Added new methods for suspending/resuming accounts, getting/setting traffic, quota and disk usage to the H-Sphere XML API
- Added ability to recreate DSN records to solve the problem with prefixing them
- Allowed suspending, resuming and checking user accounts on Windows based boxes via SOAP interface
- Added possibility for resellers to view the main admin's knowledge base
- Prevented TransferCron from exiting when one of the transfer processes is throwing an exception
- Changed approach to showing ODBC prefixes which are now similar to MySQL, PgSQL and MSSQL db prefixes
- Added possibility to create mail alias to the postmaster box
- Added Mail Relay resource to the list of global resources
- Changed delivery mail to mailbox command for .qmail-XXX files. Now vdelivermail command is used instead of direct path to mailboxes
- Fixed problem with decrypting PGP messages by H-Sphere trouble ticket system
- Modified the default design setting for new reseller admin accounts. It is now based on the current skin of the reseller account instead of "Menu Based"
- Prohibited entering any info into the "Card Start Date" and "Card Issue Number" fields if credit card is not of Solo or Swiss
- Fixed problem with mail relay for mail domain alias
- Added script to recreate servers from H-Sphere system database to clean Unix/Linux machines

Winbox Bugfixes:

- Removed problem in the installation/update processes on the systems with locales other than "en" disallowing to complete installation/update successfully
- Fixed bug that caused removing live virtual hosts created not via SOAP which affected H-Sphere service Shared SSL virtual hosts
- Fixed problem when CGI directory or Webalizer resources could not be turned ON in the web services of the domain with Shared SSL turned ON
- Solved problem with disappearing of Shared SSL feature when switching virtual host IP from Shared to Dedicated and vice versa
- Implemented the DSN's name deletion from the list of all available DSNs registered in the system.
- Fixed problem with installation/update process if the MS FTP is installed but Serv-U is used as FTP server.


  H-Sphere 2.4 Patch 2    (Update Instructions)

Bugfixes and Improvements:

- Introduced a series of Qmail updates
- Fixed problem with system crashes caused by empty queries in user search report
- Added mechanism to enable/disable CVV credit card verification
- Removed daily CVV check
- Fixed problem with the servlet URL for web based payment systems (e.g PayPal)
- Removed negative refund bug that appeared if "Full refund" was added at the beginning of a billing period
- Replaced GET with POST method to work correctly with UNICODE symbols and Tomcat 5.0.16
- Updated IP-to-country resolving database
- Changed SOAP protocol implementation to avoid code loops
- Fixed Protx gateway implementation
- Fixed money back feature
- Solved problem with "blank page" that showed after performing the "Reseller CP URL reset to default" operation
- Fixed problem with disappearing messages when adding attachments to trouble tickets
- Fixed problem with traffic for deleted users not accounted in Modified Traffic, Reseller Traffic and Disk Usage reports
- Corrected HTML tags structure in mail templates
- Added catch exception to handle situations when the same mail resource is deleted in two separate windows
- Added user-changepwd.pl script to FreeBSD installation
- Solved a problem with using multiple instances of H-Sphere packages being currently installed.

Winbox Bugfixes:

- Fixed problem with getting wrong host number if virtual host was created via SOAP
- Fixed negative uptime information on server information response
- Fixed management of DSNs created in H-Sphere 2.3.x where names were formed as username+'-'+dsnname
- Fixed the H-Sphere log plugin problem with getting incorrect data for extra log fields such as user-agent, cookie, referrer, on IIS 6.0. Now fields beginning with "https ://" are treated as referrers.


  H-Sphere 2.4 Patch 1    (Update Instructions)

Bugfixes and Improvements:

- Fixed error with installing packages
- Solved signup problem for reseller's end users
- Fixed bug with editing domain registration prices in hosting plans
- Improved connection to WinBox via SOAP interface by Internal IP
- Added check-up that prevents including deleted plans into reports
- Updated Site Studio icon to the "XPressia" and "XPressia Lite" designs
- Fixed bug with changing plan under reseller when reseller was treated as an end-user
- Added merging of LANG_LIST property from hsphere.properties with the LANG_LIST property from package properties file
- Added possibility to create users under no-billing plans when creating users into H-Sphere by means of CommonUserCreator
- Fixed concurrency issue in XMLManager
- Solved problem with deleting ColdFusion resource
- Fixed problem with inaccessibility of web based payment systems after editing CP URL
- Fixed problem with CVV for Solo credit cards
- Fixed path to the directory which stores custom java classes for H-Sphere packaging
- fixed problem with mail object description improperly displayed under Tomcat
- Fixed the "compiled miva" extension from ',mvc' to '.mvc'

Winbox Bugfixes:

- Fixed bug with creating alias when IP is host header for dedicated IPs (the .NET version)
- Fixed Shared SSL domain creation for dedicated IPs
- Fixed 2.4 Final update bug causing loss of shared SSL feature in virtual hosts on dedicated IPs
- Fixed bug in htaccess with authorization Serv-U accounts
- Fixed problem with creating account resource via SOAP protocol
- Fixed stats service problem which didn't allow restarting and updating H-Sphere service between 1 AM and 6 AM
- Fixed bug related to patching HSphere service with automatic mode setting
- Fixed bug with cs (Cookie) field in the H-Sphere log plugin by writing '+' instead of whitespaces
- Fixed problem with creating new H-Sphere service virtual host during the installation
- Reinforced the end of request handler in the htaccess module in order to fix possible bug of removing sessions with the same ID at the same time that could cause crashes of the htaccess module


  H-Sphere 2.4 Final    (Complete List of Features in 2.4) | (Update Instructions)


- Fixed adding mail objects;
- Fixed package description page;
- Added message for the JAVA_CLASSES file type
- Fixed Top Menu appearance in some browsers (Safary on Mac, KDE 3.2.2 Konqueror)
- Fixed signup form representation in Konqueror
- Fixed user side validation for the "Redirect URL" feature on Windows platform
- Added Antispam and Antivirus resources to the list of global resources
- Fixed representation of enabled/disabled global resources in plan wizards
- Fixed signup to VPS plans with Webbased Payment Systems to conform with the new scheme provided for "Unix", "Windows", etc., plans
- Added VPS Quick Access page to No Menu, XPressia, XPressia Lite designs
- Corrected measure unit for VPS Process Limit in VPS plan.

Bugfixes for Winbox:

- Fixed bug with AWStats handling which stopped collecting statistics at random
- Fixed logging to AWStats statistics on Winboxes with ServU


  H-Sphere 2.4 RC 2    (Update Instructions) |

- Fixed problem with inability to decrypt PGP encrypted messages in the trouble ticket system
- Implemented sending of HUP signal to the spamd process to ensure that changes to the user spamassassin settings take effect
- Fixed problem with not suspending users upon exceeding disk usage limit
- Fixed problem with improper overriding permissions during update on fileserver-quota.pl script. The error had affected NetApp based installs
- Fixed problem with duplicating welcome e-mails. Introduced minor improvements to mail sending routines
- Fixed error with the Sitetoolbox and Kanoodle managers. They are now added into reseller admin plan wizard without any conditions
- Fixed bug with not showing OS release in server info for RedHat operation systems
- Fixed problem with not showing recently added e-mail resources in H-Sphere interface if they were added via AXIS interface
- Fixed problem with AntiVirus and AntiSpam resources not created when recreating resources using PhysicalCreator console tool
- Fixed problem with calculating custom billing recurrents when using comma (,) as the decimal delimiter
- Fixed problem with parsing welcome e-mail messages
- Removed add link for mail aliases on domains with no mailboxes
- Fixed problem with doubling disk usage for accounts which are being migrated between servers within an H-Sphere cluster
- Fixed problems with custom classes in H-Sphere packaging system
- Fixed problem with phpBB initialization script hanging
- Introduced authorization during initialization of Miva Merchant shopping cart.


  H-Sphere 2.4 RC 1    (Update Instructions) |

Features and Improvements:
- Improved work with a pool of SSH connections when interacting with Unix boxes;
- Ability to make changes to XMLs through additional custom XML files by means of XML Merger;
- The H-Sphere-Winbox interaction via SOAP interface enhanced by restoration of broken SOAP connections and timeouts to SOAP connections;
- H-Sphere packaging system improved with a few methods for creating necessary temp directories and unpacking .jar files directly through Java classes.

Improvements in the H-Sphere user's CP mail interface:
- Fixed validation of e-mail mask when filling white/black lists;
- Fixed resource price estimation routines when adding resources;
- The "Use mail domain antispam preferences" checkbox moved to a separate section.

- Problem with suspending user's accounts upon reaching disk usage limit fixed;
- Background Job manager made inaccessible for reseller's administrator accounts;
- Fixed problem with changing end user mailbox password for domains with subdomains;
- Double running of H-Sphere cron jobs fixed;
- Fixed problem with RevenueCron not processing reseller's data;
- Disappearing of Miva Edit icon fixed;
- Incorrectly named label on the custom registrar page fixed;
- Fixed link to the quick access page for XPressia and XPressia Lite designs.

Bugfixes for Winbox:
- Problems in the ISAPI filters and H-Sphere IIS log plugin causing IIS crashes fixed;
- Fixed bug in ServerInfo service with the disk information detecting if the disk is formatted;
- Fixed problem with calculating daily statistics as accumulated statistics for previous and current dates;
- Bug with user log rotation causing incorrect stats calculating by Webalizer and Urchin fixed;
- Fixed problem with browsing AWStats statistics that appears when FTP server is ServU.


  H-Sphere 2.3.2 Patch 5    (Update Instructions)

Important! This update is only for owners of H-Sphere 2.3.1 and 2.3.2

Features and Improvements:
- phpBB v.2.0.8 support for Unix and Windows;
- Optimized reseller disk usage and traffic that increased CP performance for systems with many resellers;

- Fixed problem with changing end user mailbox password for domains with subdomains.;
- All crons thread priorities reduced by order of two to increase user interface performance;
- Fixed validation of FTP user login name allowing to use more than 8 symbols in the login name;
- Disappearing of Miva Edit icon fixed;
- Fixed the <load> tag in server_info.sh to work correctly on ES 3, AS 3, WS 3 servers;
- Modified scripts for switching SMTP authentication type via CP interface in order to provide compatibility with the latest qmail update (hsphere-mail-all-7);

Bugfixes for Winbox:
- Wawrapper common.log format modified;
- Fixed bug that caused incorrect Miva Merchant setup;
- Removed NTLM authentication flag during virtual web host creation;
- Access permissions to H-Sphere registry key were restricted to 'SYSTEM' account and 'Administrators' group.


  H-Sphere 2.4 Beta 7 Patch 1    (Update Instructions)

Version 2.4 introduces major changes to H-Sphere core modules such as billing, plans and Windows hosting, and can't be expected to offer due degree of stability.
It should not be installed on production servers or systems with over 1000 accounts.

Improvements and Bugfixes:
- phpBB updated to 2.0.8 for Windows and Unix;
- Changing of the IP from one type to another (shared/dedicated) fixed;
- Deprecation flag added for deprecated merchant gateways;
- SOAP interface for antispam/antivirus finalized;
- Disk quota handling on Unix servers fixed;
- Antispam/antivirus support for mail domain aliases added;
- HTML syntax in TT interface fixed;
- Bug with enabling reseller's inherited Shared SSL fixed;
- Displaying description for H-Sphere packages fixed;
- Link to the Quick Access page in the XPressia Lite design fixed;
- Shared SSL support for Dedicated IPs on Windows added;
- Several IIS crashes related to htaccess and H-Sphere login resolved.
- General code cleanup and performance improved.

Improvements to mail system:
- New version of ClamAV - clamav-0.70-rc;
- Checking if recipient's mail resource (e.g: mailbox, forward, mailbox alias) exists performed during SMTP session;
- Big-DNS patch that fixes problems with oversized DNS packages;
- Avoiding DNS check of the local mail domains with mfdnschek is switched on;
- Andre Oppermann's ext-todo patch solving 'silly qmail syndrome' when qmail spends more time processing incoming email than scheduling deliveries;


  H-Sphere 2.4 Beta 7    (Update Instructions))

New Features and Improvements:

- Support for RedHat Advanced Server 3

Merchant Gateways:
- Credit Card CVV check for MainStreetSoftWorks, PayMeNow, Protx, and Tucows
- The id value is correctly initialized in the init() method
- Use of real unique transaction IDs in the console merchant gateway test utility

- Packages are now built as jars (not tarballs) with .hsp extension
- support for including 3rd party tarballs into packages
- support for package description, additional information and vendor in package info
- list of supported OSs is provided for 3rd party RPMs and tarballs
- additional methods to copying jar files and directories

Mail system:
- Spam and virus filtering
- Per User antispam/antivirus settings management
- Notes in mail relay interface.

Domain Registration:
- Domain can be marked as "expired" in domain registration info
- System e-mail notification on domain registration renewal
- Possibility to send copies of custom registrar emails.

- Additional sanity checks on logical servers using the same IP;
- Possibility to delete PGSQL, MySQL, and MSSQL logical servers when databases or users don't exist
- Additional check of existing service IP when reseller's server alias is created
- Interface re-design:
a) On/Off icons next to logical server names in the list of logical servers
b) Physical servers with unavailable info marked with "!"

- A servlet to test AXIS services
- PGP and Migration services as parts of H-Sphere CP
- Connection to Windows server using SOAP protocol via TCP

- Ability to export/import plans via XML
- Ability to pause, stop and start Cron Jobs via web interface
- VPS IPs removed from the list of shared IPs
- VPS plan wizard added to the list of plan wizards
- Missing Inherited Shared SSL feature added from 2.3.2
- Additional check to ensure that system accounts on different admin plans have correct access permissions to menu links
- Stability improvements in H-Sphere script-runner including better support for FreeBSD 4.9
- MSSQLManager added to recreation type list
- PhpBB updated to v.2.0.7
- Awstats 6.0.

- Setting the number of TTs per page in the ticket center fixed
- Awstats log processing scripts changed to prevent double processing
- Validation of FTP user login name exceeding 8 characters fixed
- Host and protocol parameters for correct webshell redirect added
- Problem with logical server alias by Webshell launched under a reseller's user fixed
- Problem with changing IP address during content move fixed
- Postponed deletion of all resources on the source server after 24 hours fixed
- Problem related to using UTF-8 in attachments fixed
- Problem with CC list in mail system fixed
- Loading encrypted CC from DB fixed
- Getting the list of user logs from the box fixed
- Minor fixes to the interface

Features and Improvements for Winbox:
- phpBB v.2.0.7

Bugfixes for Winbox:
- Shared SSL virtual directories are suffixed by H-Sphere to avoid problem related to the Microsoft bug with IIS interpreting virtual directories ending with executable extensions, such as .com, .exe, or .dll as executable files
- Corrected the comand line for automated AWStats statistics update
- Fixed bug that caused incorrect Miva Merchant setup
- Removed NTLM authentification flag during virtual web host creation
- Access permissions to H-Sphere registry key were restricted to 'SYSTEM' account and 'Administrators' group
- Fixed bug with cs (User-Agent) field in the H-Sphere log plugin and all spaces replaced with '+'


  H-Sphere 2.3.2 Patch 4    (Update Instructions)

Important! This update is only for owners of H-Sphere 2.3.1 and 2.3.2

Make sure to update H-Sphere if you are going to update WebShell!

- Webshell 3 problem with auto-logging under reseller fixed;
- Fixed disk usage problem with identification data for Web and Windows servers;
- IP to country database updated;
- HTAccess icons removed from CP interface;
- Validation fixed to support Unicode symbols for the TT admin name field;
- Added check in the file-list.sh script if user log files do not exist.


  H-Sphere 2.4 Beta 6    (Update Instructions)

New Features and Improvements:
- Promo Codes;
- Custom Registrars;
- New XPressia Lite Design;
- New protocol to manage winbox via SOAP to add stability and flexibility;
- Improved Script Runner.

- Problem with double charging users after changing billing period;
- Usage loader bug when running 2 web servers on one box cause double statistics;
- Several bugs in plan wizard interface;
- WebShell4 login problem under Windows.


  H-Sphere 2.3.2 Patch 3    (Update Instructions)

This patch fixes H-Sphere backup script problem that appeared in 2.3.2 Patch 2.


  H-Sphere 2.3.2 Patch 2    (Update Instructions)

- Fixed problem with improper Shared SSL configuration on unix-based servers (resulted from 2.3.2 Patch 1);
- Problem with autocreating MivaEmpresa under Windows fixed;
- RevenueCron looping fixed;
- Fixed problem with Postgres DB names;


  H-Sphere 2.3.2 Patch 1    (Update Instructions)

- Country Lookup utility changed;
- Fixed Webshell 3 problem


  H-Sphere 2.4 Beta 5    (Update Instructions)

- Fixed Trouble Ticket System security hole.
- Change Plan utility bug fixed.
- Problem with OpenSRS registration for jdk 1.3.1 removed.
- Added phone number format conversion during domain registration by North American customers.
- Possibility to add custom reports using packages.


  H-Sphere 2.3.2 Release    (Upgrade Instructions)

New Features and Improvements:

Site Studio 1.6RC3 Update


- Problem with month based debit in the Service Plus utility fixed;
- Domain Alias hole removed;
- Instant Alias problem fixed;
- VPS Resource deleting problem resolved.


  H-Sphere 2.4 Beta 4    (Update Instructions)

- Fixes to the Content Move utility
- Unknown https protocol error during Authorize.Net transaction fixed
- Corrected interface tempates
- Tomcat updated to v.5.1
- Problem with sending copies of system trouble tickets by email fixed
- CP mail swap provided to save CP emails unsent before restart.


  H-Sphere 2.4 Beta 3    (Update Instructions)

New Features:

Simplified Billing:
- On changing account's plan
- For traffic
- For disk space

Core System Features:
- Control Panel based on Tomcat servlet engine instead of Apache JServ
- UTF-8 support in the H-Sphere system database (different encodings are now available)
- Qmail extended antispam configuration

- Language Bundles

- Customer notifications editable from the control panel

Other Features:
- Awstats support
- Mail server relays
- Broader abillities to configure custom error pages for Windows accounts
- New XPressia interface design
- Redesigned mail system
- BSCounter changed to Build counter in Webshell 4

Integrated Software:
- SiteStudio 1.6 RC3
- WebShell4.0

New Features for H-Sphere under Windows:

- Enhanced Shared SSL support for IIS (included support for IIS 6.0 in 5.0 isolated mode)
- New statistic model for IIS based on the IIS custom logging modules:
     1. Statistics collecting on the fly;
     2. HTTP logs rotating once a day;
     3. Compression of old HTTP logs;
     4. Webalizer launching once a day.


H-Sphere 2.4 Beta 2

This version offered a series of new features and enhancements that were later included into the later Beta 3.


H-Sphere 2.3.1 Patch 9    (Update Instructions)

- phpPgAdmin v.3.2.1 upgrade to manage Postgres 7.3 user databases
- the URCHIN_SERVERNAME parameter added to hsphere.properties to resolve the Urchin server URL on NAT systems.

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